News Release

Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; Chairman and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) announces that it has been selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), a leading global index of ESG investment, for the second consecutive year.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are developed through collaboration between S&P Dow Jones Indices1 of the United States and Robeco SAM2, a Swiss research specialist in the area of socially responsible investment. The indexes evaluate companies from three perspectives: the economy, the environment and society. In fiscal 2017, the DJSI World includes 320 companies, 31 of which are Japanese.

This year Sysmex has been selected for inclusion in the DJSI World for the second consecutive year. We are the only Japanese company in the industry of Health Care Equipment & Supplies to be included.

Sysmex has also been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index for the sixth consecutive year.

Sysmex has identified priority issues (materiality items) of the CSR activities with a view to realizing a sustainable society and achieving sustainable growth for the Group. We are currently developing a specific action plan based on these identified materiality items and are taking actions accordingly.

On the environment-related front, based on the Sysmex Group Environmental Action Plan, ”Sysmex Eco-Vision 2020” and the Sysmex Group mid-term environmental targets, we will undertake initiatives as a Group to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities.

Going forward, Sysmex will continue to aggressively promote CSR activities in its aim of achieving ongoing sustainable growth.

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Sysmex’s Materiality:

The Sysmex Group Environmental Action Plan (Sysmex Eco-Vision 2020) and the Sysmex Group mid-term environmental targets (Fiscal 2015–2017):


  1. A McGraw Hill Financial Group company and a global leader in providing indices to the financial markets. Created through a merger between two of the leading brands in the business of providing indices: S&P and Dow Jones Indices.
  2. The Switzerland-based investment consulting company that launched this index to evaluate corporate sustainability.

Information contained in the press release is current as of the date of the announcement, but may be subject to change without prior notice.


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