Sysmex Selected for Inclusion in the Asia Pacific Index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
Sysmex Corporation (HQ: Kobe, Japan; President and CEO: Hisashi Ietsugu) announces that it has been selected for inclusion in the Asia Pacific Index of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), a leading global index of socially responsible investment.
DJSI is an index developed through collaboration between Dow Jones*1 of the United States and SAM*2, a Swiss research specialist in the area of socially responsible investment. The index evaluates companies from three perspectives: the economy, the environment and society. Companies evaluated as having superior sustainability are selected for inclusion in the index.
Members of the Asia Pacific Index include excellent companies selected from among leading corporations in the Asia Pacific region. In fiscal 2012, this index included 154 companies, 74 of which were Japanese.
In April 2010, the Sysmex Group established long-term environmental objectives to be achieved by the end of fiscal 2020, ending March 31, 2021. These long-term environmental objectives focus on such themes as global warming countermeasures, and the company is working toward these goals on a daily basis.
Going forward, Sysmex will continue to aggressively promote CSR activities in its aim of achieving ongoing sustainable growth.

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Sysmex Group’s long-term environmental objectives:
*1 Dow Jones & Company is a leading U.S. media company that provides global news and business information and publishes the Wall Street Journal.
*2 SAM: Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) is a Switzerland-based investment consulting company that launched this index to evaluate corporate sustainability.