I have been tested for Thalassemia. Have you?
Thalassemia is a highly prevalent genetic blood disorder amongst Indonesian population. It is estimated that six up to ten people in every 100 Indonesians may have thalassemia trait. If both parents carry thalassemia minor, their children may have thalassemia minor, or they may have completely normal blood, or they may have thalassemia major. Children born with thalassemia major develop the symptoms of severe anemia and require adequate treatment for a quality of life. The good news is this can be prevented by avoiding marriage between people with thalassemia genes.
PT Sysmex Indonesia as a leading IVD company has continued to contribute in supporting the thalassemia society. This time, in a collaboration with Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indonesian Thalassemia Foundation and Rotary Club Indonesia, we supported the important event aiming to raise the awareness of thalassemia in the month of thalassemia, May.
On 25 May 2014 at the Britama Basket Hall, Jakarta; 2042 people were being screened for thalassemia in one day.

There were almost 70 clinical pathologists and more than 100 medical technologists volunteered in taking the blood and processing the results.

This huge event was opened by his Excellency H.R. Agung Laksono, Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare (Menko Kesra). It has also been recorded as breaking the Indonesian Record by MURI (Museum Rekor Indonesia) for highest thalassemia test in one event.

For Sysmex Indonesia, we prepared and installed 4 unit of XE-Series and HCLab right at the venue of this event, and providing full support in in the registration, database and reporting results of all people being tested. A collaboration of Sysmex team from various department involved in this momentous event. It is not only proved the quality of Sysmex’s product and moreover, the excellence support of Sysmex’s team to make it happened.

Reference: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talasemia